Sunday, January 8, 2012

Place Making Helps with Sustainability

Jim Johnson, Director of Development, at Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. spoke to our class. I have known Jim for years as do most of us that live in Fort Worth involved with development.

Jim talked about a sustainable street and the importance of zoning and development standards. Those standards set the feel for the street and how people respond to it. The placement of the building, the width of the street, width of sidewalks, street trees etc. He talked about the importance of policy and how each plan such as the thoroughfare plan, parking regulations etc dictates how a city builds and creates the feeling of development. There is a term called "Place Making". 

I think that Jim talked a little over everyone's heads when defining a Tax Increment Financing district. I should have explained it in simpler terms. It can be very confusing.

Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. was the first Public Improvement District created in the state. The group of property owners downtown, mainly the Bass family, got together and created legislation in Austin that would allow PIDs in municipalities. They can be a great tool as demonstrated by Downtown Fort Worth.

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